Access Tokens

NOTE: Access tokens are currently deprecated and should not be used. Robot Accounts are their replacement.

For per-repository token authentication, Quay allows the use of access tokens which can be created on a repository and have read and/or write permissions, without any passwords.

Managing access tokens

Access tokens can be managed in the repository view.

Authenticating with an access token

To authenticate with an access token, either download the .dockercfg file from the access token’s panel OR use docker login as described below.

Logging in with an access token

The following credentials are used:

Username: $token

Password: (token value can be found by clicking on the token)

Email: (this value is ignored, any value may be used)

The following is an example taken from the command line:

$ sudo docker login
Login against server at
Username: $token
Password: (token value from the token)

Setting permissions

A token’s permissions can be changed by clicking the field to the right of the token

Deleting an access token

An access token can be deleted by clicking the icon and then clicking Delete.